
(Always) Under Construction:

Due to growth website continues to develop

I create and learn because I want to understand how the world and I are designed.

I make paint and make art to research my inner world. Sometimes I also have exhibitions.

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I give in-depth creative workshops where you get to know yourself and your creativity even better.

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I write blogs where I reflect on life from an artistic perspective.

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Standard €5 discount for my 'inner circle'

25 March 2024

You may have noticed; the prices of my workshops have increased by a few euros, because unfortunately I too am experiencing price increases. I think it's a shame to have to do this, because the price is something that can prevent you from coming by and being surprised. I'm willing to invest in you if we can build a bond. To start with, as a member of my 'inner circle' you receive a standard €5 discount on a workshop. This way I can keep the workshops for you under €65.

Shall we get to know each other better and would you like to take advantage of my discounts? Then sign up for my newsletter

Inner circle


Would you like to know when I will be giving workshops again? Or how my developments as an artist are going? You can see my workshops on my website, but my process is personal. I'm only sharing this with my inner circle. If you belong to my exclusive group, you will also be the first to know about news and extra discounts. I also share what happens behind the scenes. I also hope that my growth inspires you to grow too.

Would you also like to join my inner circle? Please leave your name and email so I can include you in my mailing list.

Hou mij op de hoogte

''To make people free is the aim of art, therefore art for me is the science of freedom''

- Joseph Beuys

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